House & Home

Take the Bite Out of a Move for Your Dog

The family dog is a highly valued family member. As a consequence, you do everything in your power to care for your faithful companion day-to-day. When a big event looms, you know you need to take extra mindful measures. A family move to a new house may be the most disruptive and stressful moment in a dog’s life. However, you can take several pet-focused steps to prepare for the move and to support your dog in the transition. Here are some ways to smooth that journey.

Work With Your Movers

When you do your research to locate professional movers near me, try to determine the company’s dependability and efficiency. The faster the team can take care of loading the truck, the less intrusive their presence will be on your furry friend. Ask if your moving team can outline its philosophy for working with families (and their pets) so you know how thoughtful and respectful its movers will act toward everyone in your home. Even then, keep the dog away from whichever rooms the movers are emptying throughout the process.

Scope Out Your New Territory

If you have not done so already, drive through your new neighborhood to locate dog-friendly places you can visit with your pet, both near your house and within a short drive: dog runs, trails, sidewalks, public parks and other secure areas. At the same time, take note of any challenges that may make your excursions difficult to manage. Do the neighbors seem friendly? Do dogs lunge aggressively at their homes’ fences when you pass? Are dogs off-leash and out-of-control in parks? You want to avoid introducing your dog to trauma-inducing situations.

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Familiarize Yourself With the New House

If possible, visit your house before introducing your dog to the space and take stock of any risky features. For example, are there fence openings through which the dog can escape? Are storage areas where you might leave chemicals accidentally unsecured? Look at the new home with an eye to potential dangers so you can eliminate risks.

Create a Comforting Space

Have a special room set up for your pet right away in which the dog can soon feel safe. Fill this area with familiar toys, blankets and bedding. If at all possible, plan to have one family member spend the first night in that room as well.

Moving to an unfamiliar house is a challenge for anyone. Imagine how unsettling relocation would be for a creature unable to understand the change. Don’t leave the transition to chance; by planning carefully to help your dog adjust to the move, your companion will settle before you know it.

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